This scholarship has been extracted from the BEST GRANTS WEB: Grant 2016 - 2016 =)
The Diputación de Soria, through its Department of culture, youth and sports, offers three grants of ethnographic research for young researchers who, in order to offer a course of practical training to young people which allows them to access the world of work with experience guided and supported by a public institution.
in the present edition has been chosen as research topic the world of the traditions of the province to collect the information that the sorianos elders possess and is at imminent risk of disappearing. Intergenerational contact to be derived of the realization of these research is also considered very important. This call for proposals aims to promote the research of the intangible heritage of the province of Soria from the ethnographic point of view focusing on music, dance and folk dance and oral literature.
the aim of this call is to develop a field work to collect information directly from Soria traditions, through the realization of interviews with elderly people, in relation to music, singing and dance popular in the province of Soria. Once over the period of the Fellowship, the beneficiaries of the same must submit a final report on the work done and the result of it.
each of the scholarships are provided to 3,500 euros, amount subject to withholding tax applicable. The scholarships are intended for young researchers under 35 years with higher or extensive training experience credited to the collection of oral tradition. They will be cause of incompatibility to benefit from these scholarships:
to) have been sanctioned with the loss of the possibility of obtaining subsidies or State aid.
b) not be abreast in the fulfillment of tax obligations or face social security imposed by the regulations.
the date of commencement of the Fellowship will take place within 10 days counting from communication to selected prior acceptance by the fellows. End of the work must be presented the final report prior to December 20, 2014, through delivery of the same written, printed on paper and in digital form accompanied by all made field recordings and its tabs.
requests will be formulated in accordance with the model attached to these bases and they must be submitted in the General Register of the Diputación Provincial de Soria (c / caballeros, 17. 42002 Soria), as well as in the auxiliary records of the same and in other places and forms provided for in article 38.4 of law 30/1992 , 26 November, common regime of public administrations and the administrative procedure law.
the term of admission of applications ends on March 24, 2014.
All the complete information in Ethnographic fellowships for young researchers !